
When you think of that one piece of jewelry that is absolutely necessary, it’s likely you choose diamond earrings. They are classic, stylish, and go with everything. If you have them, instructions on clearing diamond earrings in Sunrise are important. They can last forever if you take care of them, so here’s what you should know!

1. Make Sure You Have the Right Tools

The tools you use make all the difference in the care of your diamond earrings. You’ll need a toothbrush or other finely bristled brush. You’ll also need a cloth. Microfiber works well. Both the brush and cloth should be soft and ideally made to clean diamond earrings.

2. Choose the Right Cleaning Solution, Too!

Stay away from abrasives! You can use dish soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, or even bicarbonate of soda. If you’ve chosen dish soap, ammonia, or bicarbonate of soda, make sure you use warm water and not hot.

3. Choose a Safe Place to Clean Diamond Earrings in Sunrise

A flat surface works best for cleaning your earrings. You also want to stay away from the sink just in case our drop one. Make sure you clean in good light, and if possible, use a dark surface where your earrings can easily be seen.

4. Cleaning Diamond Earrings Is Easy! Simply Follow These Steps!

Some people get a bit apprehensive about cleaning jewelry at home, but if done properly, there’s no reason to worry. Here’s what you do:

  1. Gather everything you need.

  2. Fill a bowl with your cleaning solution.

  3. Gently place your earrings in the bowl, and follow instructions on the label of the cleaning solution.

  4. Remove after soaking and use the soft brush to gently scrub.

  5. Once scrubbed, thoroughly rinse your earrings in warm water.

  6. Dry them completely, and polish for extra shine!

Looking for the Most Beautiful Diamond Earrings in Sunrise? Look No Further Than Matthew’s Jewelers!

We’ve been in the business for nearly 60 years, so you know you can depend on our expertise. Have more questions about cleaning diamond earrings in Sunrise? Give us a call at 954-424-2120. We’re more than happy to help!